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Đo lưu lượng kênh hở - Japan G7 Open Channel Ultrasonic Flowmeter UFH-100. Tokyo Keiki JAPAN looking for a highly accurate and reliable flow metering system? Check out the UFH-100! Microwave level gauge is included as standard equipment!
Microwave level gauge is included as standard equipment!
UFH-100 flowmeter measures free surface flows of such fluids as...
Typical Applications 

・Supply water ・Agrigultural water
・River water ・Waste water
・process water ・industrial effuents

The TOKYO KEIKI UFH-100 ultrasonic flowmeter system for open channels employs the latest in ultrasonic and microwave technology.
Utilizing our wealth of know-how and technical expertise, the UFH-100 system combines an ultrasonic flow rate meter with a microwave level gauge to provide accurate and stable flowmeasurements.
It is applicable for liquids with free surfaces such as agricultural water, river water, waste water and industrial effluents.

Phương pháp đo lưu lượng kênh hở - Measurement Method



Measurable liquid: Applications: agricultural water, river water, process water, industrial effluents, etc.
Water temperature: 0~40℃ /Turbidity: ≤ 10000 mg/L (degree)

Measurement water channel: Water channel width: 0.3~20m (circular water channels φ0.3~5m)
Needed channel straight run: standard - upstream ≥ 10B, downstream ≥ 5B
(B: water channel width, pipe diameter in case of circular water channel)

Measurement principle: Flow: flow velocity x channel cross sectional area (water level) computation method
Flow velocity: ultrasonic pulse transit time difference method
Water level s from existing or any 2 wire level gauge (DC 4~20mA can be utilized

Measurement range: Flow: 0~full water level flow, Flow velocity: 0~10m/s, Water level: 0~10m

Output signals: Flow: 4~20 mA DC (allowable load resistance within 750Ω) with arrester element
Flow Pulse: Capacity AC 3~250V / DC 3~125V
Flow velocity: 4~20 mA DC (option: allowable load resistance within 750Ω)
Water level 4~20 mA DC (option: allowable load resistance within 750Ω)

Accuracy: Flow Forward flow: less than ±3% of full scale Reverse flow: not specified as it depends on channel structure
(+/- 10mm or better accuracy for level gauge required.)

Alarm relay output: Water level measurement failure, flow velocity measurement failure

Display: 16 digit x 16 digit LCD display (with backlight)
            Flow value: max. 6 digits (incl. comma, decimal point)
            Water level: max. 6 digits (incl. m unit, comma and decimal point)
            Flow velocity: max. 6 digits (including m/s unit, comma and decimal point)
            Operation status indication 

Power source: AC90V - 132V (50/60 ±2Hz)   Standard
                     AC180V - 250V (50/60 ±2Hz)   (Option)

Ambient temperature -10C degree ~ 50C degree
Ambient humidity Less than 90% RH (non-condensation)
Main unit configuration Wall mount type IP5X (IEC60529 / dust proof)
Weight Approx. 10 kg (approx. 11 kg with ultrasonic water level gauge)

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