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Lưỡi cắt ma sát chuyên cắt ống thép và thếp hình.
00 °C). Longest blade life and best cutting performance are
based upon highest quality and numerous particular processing methods. They are used for
friction sawing with stationary and flying sawing plants at welded tube, hollow and structural
section rolling mills, for parting gratings, fender walls and many more applications.
Saw blade material:
BL60 is a BLECHER exclusive, unique material for best possible blade life at least
possible tendency to cracking (for tooth tip hardened blades).
Other material with alloy composition optimised for to the required life of the tool:
For through hardened blades with diameter up to 1500 mm used with flying saws:
1.2235 CV Chrome-Vanadium 80CrV2 = standard steel grade with good
hardenability and for this reason good blade life
1.2604 70WM Tungsten-Molybdenum 73WCrMoV2-2 with considerably improved blade
life (available up to max. diameter 1000 mm)
For blades with flame hardened teeth and diameter up to 2500 mm used with
stationary saws: 51Mn7mod. = steel grade optimized for friction saw blades. BLECHER
special steel grades BL50, BL55 and BL80 for all diameters,
alloys optimised for long blade life and low addiction to cracking.
Finish of side faces:
hollow ground and off-set finish: side faces are hollow ground, optionally off-set
ground and balanced after flat grinding; for maximum cutting clearance, reduced burr
forming and high cut quality
flat ground finish: upon customer request side faces are just parallel ground
Single or multiple chrome plating optional for improvement of gliding properties and
increase of surface hardness.
Conditions of application
vary with the machine used and workpieces to be cut
Cutting speed 110 - 150 m/s, Feed speed approx: 1000 - 2000 mm 2 /s
Cooling: As the friction saw melts the cut by means of friction heat, cooling
before or during cutting must be the avoided.
High pressure water cooling after the cut substantially improves blade life.