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Accurate, burr free and extremely fast –BLECHER Tungsten Carbide Tipped
Circular Saw Blades for Non-Ferrous Metals high-precision, burr free cuts with fastest speed – this is what BLECHER TCT saw blades stand for. Numerous particular, BLECHER specific manufacturing processes and a blade design that has been tailored to match with the individual cutting job supply the impressive performance and the extremely long service life of BLECHER TCT saw blades. Suited for stationary and flying sawing plants withblade diameter up to 2,230 mm.
Tooth forms:
- triple chip geometry to divide the chip into 3 parts
- unique „block tooth geometry“ for extraordinary surface finish and high cutting speeds
- chip breaker geometry, preferably for tubes
- all tooth forms optionally available with C-shaped hook for improved chip forming
Sawing machine
horizontal and vertical cold sawing machines with high drive capacity, rigid
gear box and opening device for the cutting gap, i.e. Framag, Lazzari,
Linsinger, MFL, Ohler, Wagner, Asmag, Hertwich, Trennjäger, Kaltenbach
cutting non-ferrous metals virtually free of burr in rolling and continuous casting mills
and during further processing e.g. to cut drawn, rolled or extruded tubes or profiles
Other options:
single or multiple riveted expansion slots coupled with the SilentCut system as an option
supply best possible reduction of noise and vibration to achieve highest cutting speeds